The weather this weekend has been severe. The winds have been as strong as anything we have experienced in the last two years and they have been driving the rain into every crevice, making it hard to stay dry. Rum and Hot Chocolate never seemed so inviting!
I saw a heron this morning - it was really struggling to make any headway against the wind and finally seemed to give up the attempt and landed, very ungainlily in the dog field.

The lodge is sitting near the river pool waiting to be moved to its final position. There was a slight delay due to roadworks which has stopped the other lodge being able to get up the A491 (they can't site ours until the other one is in place), but the roadworks are now over.
Limefitt have told us that we should be up and running for the week before Christmas, so we are busy confirming those bookings that we have already taken.
It's interesting that some people seem to enquire without even visiting the web site! We are listed on and I get the impression that people who visit there just seem to fire off a whole load of enquiries. The enquiries that matter (i.e. those who actually book) seem to come from people who are a bit more discriminating in their searching. I suppose that that makes sense.
Anyway - we are nearly ready to go so watch this space!