Monday, November 26, 2007
Aira Force
We had a lovely stroll up the beck and had to stop the kids from falling in at various points above crashing 40 foot drops. Theye were all the more spectacular due to the recent heavy rain.
On the one hand I'm surprised that there isn't some H&S rule that says they have to put fences up. On the other I am glad that we have to show a bit of responsibility ourselves, even if it does mean screaming from 30 yards at a child about to try to cross the beck above a big fall on slippy stones "cos it looks dead easy". Thankfully, we all made it back without any mishaps having had a great picnic.
We even made it past the pub at Dockray without stopping.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Striding on the edge
With the weather being so beautiful this weekend we got a surprise visit from some friends who came up to camp at Limefitt. Liz and Gary are very keen fell walkers so we had to do something a bit special. We decided that Helvellyn might fit the bill. So Saturday afternoon saw us making our way along Striding Edge. It was only when we finally reached the summit we realise that none of us had remembered to bring a camera, so we can't show you the fantastic view.
Gary, expert camper that he is, managed to put up the tent on his own, whilst Liz was busy leafing through the guidebooks, trying to work out which of the Wainwright's she wanted to do on Sunday. Unfortunately when she woke up she found that something in the water that she had drunk the previous evening haven't agreed with her, so she had to restrict herself to an ascent of Lakeland Plastics. We sent her off this morning with instructions to find something that none of us had ever heard of before, which would fulfil a need that we never knew we had. She hasn't been seen since.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Troutbeck Duck Race
It was well attanded but one lady will go home with an unusual story. One of the guys organising had a terrier that was running around loose. It came up to this lady who was sprawling on the ground. All of a sudden she shouted "Hey!!!!. I asked her what was the matter in and in a strong Autralian accent she cried "The b***** thing just p****ed all over me".
Now Suki isn't always the best trained dog in the world, but she's generaly a bit more polite on a first meeting that THAT!
Monday, August 27, 2007
An early morning walk on Saturday with the dog. I went up the side of Applethwaite fell and had the most amazing view of the Langdales with a rainbow over them. It looked as though it was from the mist rather than from a rain shower.
The beauty of Limefitt is that you can do the loveliest walks at the busiest times and hardly meet a soul.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Holidays in the UK really ARE better!
She says:
“What the tour operators, the airlines and the airport authorities don't seem to realise is that the experience of going on holiday abroad has become just like the experience of going to work - beset by transport problems, overcrowding, and that sensation that your head is going to explode by the time you reach your destination. For them, the task of processing thousands of passengers is all in a day's work. But for many of those passengers, the chore of passing through an airport is all in a day's holiday. If you're really unlucky, it can involve up to 24 hours or more - precious free time that is being squandered in an environment that could not be more inimical to civilised life if it tried.”
Couldn't agree more!
To see the full article click here :
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wet Wet Wet
Friday, July 06, 2007
We got 39/40 and got marked wrong on "Beast falls" (7). Having originally put "Cowslip" and then amended it on the basis of the grammar in the question to "Oxslips" (the answer had to be flower or shrub related), I was a bit miffed to get it marked wrong with "Cowslip" written over it as the correct answer!!! Grrrr!
There's always next year I suppose...
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Dubbs Reservoir
A walk up to the reservoir at Dubbs on Friday whilst the weather was fine again. Always a pleasant and moderately demanding walk, this time it was made even better by the sight of the 2 swans and their 5 cygnets on a surface as smooth as a mirror. Actually the reservoir is looking pretty low but I don't suppose that bothers the swans too much.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Troutbeck Garden Trail
Bank Holiday Monday was the day of the Troutbeck Garden Trail. Fortunately the weather held off most of the day and we even got some sunshine in which to walk around the dozen or so beautifully terraced gardens that were open to the public for the day. It was a really lovely way to spend an hour or two, and it must generate quite a bit for village funds too.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Well I never....
Researchers from the University of Essex compared the benefits of a 30-minute walk in a country park with a walk in an indoor shopping centre on 20 people affected by depression.
After the country walk, 71 per cent said that they felt less depressed and tense while 90 per cent reported increased self-esteem.
After the walk in the shopping centre only 45 per cent felt less depressed and 22 per cent actually felt more depressed. About 50 per cent felt more tense and 44 per cent said that their self-esteem had dropped.
Exclusives on the other pages - "Pope may be Catholic", "Bears defecate amongst trees"
Monday, May 07, 2007
Counting Sheep
So that's why it's called The Struggle!
From Ambleside I headed up The Struggle to the top of the Kirkstone Pass. Halfway up I was seriously questioning my decision as I must have had to walk about 80% of the way, not being as strong and as fit as was 20 years ago. When I finally got to the top and headed back down to Limefitt is was all worth it though - I must have travelled about 3 miles at 30 MPH without pedalling!
A walk at Glenridding and a barbie at The Mortal Man
Monday, April 30, 2007
It's an ill wind....
Valuable research into the wind was carried out by Gordon Manley in the 1930s. Manley interpreted the phenomenon in hydrodynamic terms as a "standing wave" and "rotor", a model confirmed in 1939 by glider flights.
The Helm Wind in Mallerstang: The dale at the head of the Eden Valley has its own version of the Helm Wind, which sweeps over Mallerstang Edge and affects especially the central part of the dale. This can be equally fierce and can blow for two days or more, sometimes sounding like an express train. As for its better known big brother, the coming of a Helm Wind is accompanied by the formation of a dense cap of cloud (a "Helm Bar") which, in this case, forms along Mallerstang Edge.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Wordsworth Rap
It's ironic that Wordsworth was very anti mass tourism according to The Guardian "he sent the prime minister in 1844 a poem condemning the proposed railway to Windermere which now brings thousands of young people to the Lakes. A nimby tract which would also lend itself to rap delivery, it starts: "Is there no nook of English ground secure/ From rash assault..."
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thomas earns his pocket money
Friday - bribery and corruption get Thomas and his cousin up at the crack of dawn (well I was up at 6:30 making the picnic anyway.) By 9.00 we were striding out up the path towards Ill Bell. This has long been a target and we have been waiting for a good day, which today promised to be. In the event it was a little cloudy, but that did no harm as it would have been hot work in full sunshine. We reached Ill Bell at about 11:40 having eaten our picnic on the peak before. The reward for all the climbing for us was a wonderful panorama of the Throutbeck Valley, the sea, Kentmere and the Kirkstone Pass. Thomas's reward was extra pocket money. On the way we saw skylarks, falcons and a fox running across the fell. It is odd that I have grown used to seeing urban foxes but this was the first time I have ever seen one in the wild. We started down the other side of Ill Bell but the path is very steep and narrow and Thomas took a bad tumble. We decided it was safer to retrace our steps and to go back the way we came. All in al though a lovely walk and a real feeling of achievement when we got down and looked up at where we had just been.
A New Favourite Walk
The Maiden Voyage of our Kayak
We drove to Coniston as there are easier launch sites there than on Windermere (where all the places where you can launch either seem to be private or have no parking within a few hundred yards). At first Thomas was a bit wary of our going too deep, but was soon raring to go. After a few minutes practice we decided to cross the lake. Before long we were paddling with the same rhythym and we made it across and back far more quickly that I had expected. The views of the Coniston fells on the way back were striking. The Old Man of Coniston with its "face" especially impressed Thomas. My hands are now quite sore from the friction caused by paddling on my thumb joints (probably doing it wrong ;-)
Troutbeck Walk
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Troutbeck Church
Ullswater and the ferry
A fantastic walk on a beautiful day.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
March seems to be the month for snow in the Lakes. Today the Kirkstone pass was closed due to drifts, but down at Limefitt we just had a dusting.
The daffodils are taking a bit of a buffeting from the wind and snow. Hopefully South Lakeland Parks won't be repeating the plastic daffodil publicity stunt they did at Fallbarrow here ;-)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Marsh Fritillary

From The Times on Wednesday - Cumbria - Twenty thousand caterpillars are being released to help to revive an almost extinct breed of butterfly. The marsh fritillary has suffered in the county due to the loss of flower-rich, wet grassland. Conservationists are moving Scottish caterpillars into the Cumbrian wild to reestablish the species and prevent future decline. The butterfly is one of the most threatened species in Europe and in the UK 66 per cent of its population has been lost in the past ten years.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Blood Moon
We were really lucky to have a clear night on Saturday for the lunar eclipse. Watching the moon get covered by the earth's shadow and then turning blood red was an amazing experience , and so much better for being in the Lakes where there is so much less light pollution. Watching the stars is one of the great pleasures here. Sitting at a table outside with a coffee and a glass of brandy counting satellites is one of my favourite pastimes.
This time it was a unique experience though. I have never seen a "blood moon" before and it was really spectacular. At about 10 p.m. it looked as though the clouds were going to spoil things, but when totality occured it was a totally clear night. A real once in a lifetime experience.
A gentle walk around Ings bridge in the spring sunshine to start off the new season at Limefitt.
Not much to see in the way of spring yet, but the promise of daffodils with the yellow starting to force its way through. The hazel trees (or are they bushes?) where we got the nuts to eat during our walks last autumn are covered in catkins. I didn't realise that several types of tree have catkins before I looked at Wikipedia to confirm that they were catkins. Oak, birch, hazel, willow, alder, chestnut, sweetfern and poplar are all catkin-bearing.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Yeah well.....
Sunday, January 21, 2007
What was interesting was the way it's body seemed to be perfectly still as it glided down the fence line, only its head moved from side to side. It's unusual to get so close to a hawk like that.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Happy New Year!
During a break in the weather on New Year's Day we did a walk around Ing bridge with the kids and ended up at The Queen's Head for pint or two of Bluebird and a warm by the log fire. Now that's what we come here for!
I need some sunshine to take some more appealing pictures though. The current ones look a bit drab. Still Spring will be here soon.