Monday, May 07, 2007

So that's why it's called The Struggle!

Sunday was a bit rainy so, as I couldn't persuade anyone else into a walk, I jumped on the mountain bike and headed off up through Troutbeck and round Jenkin Crag and down through the woods to Ambleside. The wood was stunning - a carpet of buebells and wild garlic in every direction. It's a fantastic mountain bike trail. Unfortunately I had no camera with me.

From Ambleside I headed up The Struggle to the top of the Kirkstone Pass. Halfway up I was seriously questioning my decision as I must have had to walk about 80% of the way, not being as strong and as fit as was 20 years ago. When I finally got to the top and headed back down to Limefitt is was all worth it though - I must have travelled about 3 miles at 30 MPH without pedalling!

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