Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Cumbria Tourism - New Eco Marketing Initiative

We were very excited to learn of some of the recent locally focused marketing initiatives from Cumbria Tourism.

One of the most interesting is the W.O.O.L. (Windermere Opportunities from Ovine Literacy) scheme that is being seamlessly woven into the fabric of the local eco-tourism marketing strategy.

By teaching sheep to form basic letter structures as they graze it will be possible to create environmentally friendly mobile advertisements that blend into the local scenery.

For a small fee you will therefore be able to have an advert for your business on a Lakeland fell side of your choice. There have been some teething troubles and sheep are notoriously slow learners. Consequently the scheme will be limited to the display of initials in the early stages, but it is hoped that full word adverts will be available before the end of the year.

Preliminary tests in Troutbeck are showing encouraging results. Here is the Windermere Lodge advertisement on its way to being fed at 9.a.m this morning.


Enid said...

What a wonderful idea!! Here in our corner of SW France we don't have many sheep but I'm sure that our local breed of beef cattle (Blonde Aquitaine) can be trained to do the same.(Of course they will have to learn how to do accents as well!!!)

Paul Slack said...

Ha Ha Windy!

I like your timing - why did you choose today to post this????

Love from Normandy Cow xxx